Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I AM ASU Campaign

In 2009, one Pre-Alumni member came up with the idea to host a Campaign that promotes Pride in ASU
This campaign was creatively named I AM ASU

The First activity of the campaign---- BUTTONS to get the word out about I AM ASU, Pre Alumni gave students buttons and asked student to make a pledge to the University ... " I will be an active giver to my university upon my graduation from Albany State University"

This Year Pre-Alumni is looking to make this campaign even BIGGER!!!
- A new logo in the making
-Campus Wide Scavenger Hunt
- I AM ASU Quiz Bowl
- Buttons, Mix Tape and Documentary  .... COMING SOON!!!!
- Student Photo shoot 

I AM ASU ..... promoting Pride in Albany State University


Join the trend...

*comment* Tell us why you are ASU???

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